Search Engine Marketing is extremely powerful and cost effective when done right, and Pay-Per-Click SEM is one of the fastest and most targeted forms of direct response marketing available today. In addition, it has a significant advantage over other forms of direct marketing in its ability to get almost instantaneous feedback, and in the world of direct marketing, feedback and testing are crucial.
I have always liked the expression “the more you know, the more you don’t know” and that was never more true than when it comes to PPC. If you have ever looked into direct marketing, you know that it quickly becomes a sea of books, tapes, e-zines, videos, newsletters, seminars, software tools and web sites that are nothing more than online shopping centers designed to string you along through a series of $50 to as much as $1,000 purchases as you become spoon fed on the basic concepts and intricate details.
How do I know this? Because I have done it and so has anyone else who understands this topic. That’s how you learn it. By design, the search engines don’t publish any comprehensive manuals on how the technology works. There are several reasons for this, but here are a few:
- They make more money when you waste money trying to figure it out.
- How they implement the search engines is their “secret sauce”, their differentiation.
- It is always changing.
You can’t afford to become an expert at search engine marketing, direct response advertising, public relations, ad copy writing, web site design, and a whole myriad of other internet technologies. You just want more qualified sales leads that will result in new business! You want someone to help you determine if search engine marketing is right for you and do it quickly without having to make a large up-front expenditure or a long term commitment. But if it does show promise, then you need to take full advantage of it by choosing the mechanisms that best fit your situation and then connect them in a seamless way with your selling process. After all, the purpose of most forms of marketing is to take the prospect as close as possible to your in-person selling.
The balance of using “media” with “in-person selling” will be unique to each industry, every company and even individual products. That’s why you need to consider a variety of marketing mechanisms that will work together to produce qualified leads.
My approach is to work with you to determine if this type of advertising is right for your business, and if so, together we will customize it, leverage it, test it to insure it is delivering the desired results, then integrate it into your sales process, and I won’t leave you stranded along the way. As a career sales and marketing person, as well as a degreed engineer, I have the ability to help you beyond Google Ads.